Becoming a User?

Thought for the day:

I was posed a great question today: "Are you using God, or is God using you?"  
The follow up question was, "If you answered 'God is using me'...are you sure or are you kidding yourself?"  
It is often (and not on purpose) that I treat God like a vending machine...always there when I need something.  My relationship with Him is sometimes reduced to exactly that.  I have learned that I need to be thoughtful in my praying and time with God that I make sure I focus on our relationship and His desires of me.  If I do, I make myself able to accept His prompting and blessings.

Jer. 17:9 Says, "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked".  So check yourself today.  Are you using God, or is God using you?  

Why Athiests Have Good Marriages.

Do you know a couple that is not only avoiding God but is almost spiteful?  The couple I know like that has the most unbeliveable marriage (at least from the outside) and have two great little girls.  This couple has absolutely no interest in any sort of relationship with Christ.  In fact, they are very forward about it.  

Over the past few years I have watched this couple and see this very happy marriage that my wife and I cannot keep up with.  Don't get me wrong, I am very happily married to a wonderful woman.  But whatever we do doesn't seem to come close to what this couple has. 

So how can a couple that is so far from God be blessed with such a great marriage?  That question has plagued me for years.  But finally, I think I have some insite.  

For years I have been asking the question, "How could God bless this couple's marriage?"  What I've found is that that is the wrong question.  After changing one's perspective a little one might better ask, "Why does satan leave them alone?"  You see, God created us all as relational beings...some more than others, but we all need relationships to survive, hence inherent relationship survival skills.  My friends obviously are both gifted in the relational skills area.  So on a basic human level they are a step ahead.  So why doesn't satan try and get in between the two of them and rule their relationship?

When thinking of these questions in the right way the answers are simple.  1) Why should satan spend time tring to get into the middle of two people that already have their back to God?  This couple lives in total darkness with no desire for even a night light.  I would say satan's hold on this couple is very strong.  Sure, both of these individuals have other areas that they struggle with but their relationship isn't one of them.  I think satan is content with what he has.


2) Satan is able to create doubt in others because of their great marriage and his position in their lives.  It has bothered me to no end that this couple deals with one third the struggles than my wife and me.  Areas where he has really layed it on us, he has given them a pass.  It has really blinded me from lots of good in my marriage because I look to theirs in frustration.  I was recently reminded that satan doesn't always bust down the door...sometimes he oozes through the keyhole.  He can be like a pebble under your saddle.  It is a small irritation that you don't know is there until it's a big problem.  So, basically, satan is using that couple to negatively affect others (in this

The bottom line is that we need to be reminded that satan is a three deminsional evil.  He finds every way possible, large, small, direct, and indirect to get to you where you are most vonerable.  Be ever vigilant of your thoughts and expectations of your spouse.  Be prayerful of your marriage.

As a side note:  I read a great article today about a marrige story that was pretty incredible.  Kurtis the bag boy and Brenda the checkout girl  is about Kurt and Brenda Warner and his wife...give it a read!

Jesus: the nice guy holding the door

Isn't it great when the door is held for you? In our culture, even if you are rude, you walk through the door. The work has already been done...just accept the gift of the open door.

You ever think if Christ as the eternal door holder? Those same people that accept an opened door from a total stranger refuse the same gift from our creator. They stand at the threshold, cross their arms and glare. They are offended that someone would be so audacious to do such a thing. Some even stamp their feet like disorderly two-year-olds. Can you imagine someone doing that at the mall? Think of the scene it would cause. Still, that is what most people in our culture do. The gift of eternal life is as simple to accept as an opened door. The work is don't have to do anything but accept that simple gift.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. REV. 3:20

Are you a good Tither?

No, I'm not asking if you give 10%. I'm asking about your attitude. Most people don't understand that tithing is about perspective, not fund raising. Isn't God the creator of all? If He wants a church to be successful can't He provide the means? Your financial contribution to a church has little bearing on that church's survival. So, let's regain some perspective.

Tithing is derived from the old testament Jewish law. There were three types of tithes: Annual Tithe, Annual Feast Tithe, and a poverty tithe (to take care of the poor). While these tithes were in place for the Jewish in the first century AD, there is no sign of any sort of tithe in the first century Christian church. In fact, there is no real 10% rule at all in the new testament. What we do find is that Jesus teaches us how to give and with what attitude we should give with.

Am I saying you shouldn't tithe? NO! not at all. I believe that this old Jewish tradition has a firm place in every Christian's life today. However, I believe it extends beyond your money but into your time and relationships as well.

A tithe is a reminder to us that what we have (money, time, relationships) aren't ours...they belong to God who has entrusted those resources to us. Our tithe is our way of holding ourselves accountable with God's resources...making sure we remember they are His, not ours.

So next time you tithe with your time, money or relationships don't base your contribution on some phony 10% rule. Give until you feel it (2 Cor 8:1-3). Give until it hurts a little. That way you will have that reminder that...hey, it's not yours anyway. If you do, you will understand God's true purpose in tithing.

If you want a good read that throws in some good history and perspective read this: Tithing: The 10% Rule and the Church by Dr. James Bollhagen

Letting Go of your Gift

How are we about tithing at church? Do you ever catch yourself looking around wondering, "I give a good amount of money and what exactly is being done with it". We all have automatic expectations. We are flawed humans, that is how we are wired. If we give, we expect something in return.

I was having a conversation with a friend on the phone today. We were talking about my church's new auditorium and my "what's being done with my money" attitude arose. He reminded me that God calls us all to give...period. Not give and manage our gift with suggestions and those automatic flawed human expectations. Not at all. Just give. God will see to it that your gift is used to benefit his kingdom.

So next time you tithe remember these things: 1) It wasn't your money anyway so stop trying to control it. 2) No one appointed you to God's steering committee. He has people in control that he wants there. 3) If you have trouble with 1 and 2, seek his peace about your roll in giving to your church.