Excuses are like Noses, Everybody has one, and they smell...

It is hard to believe that we have been excuse makers from the beginning.  What did Adam say when God ask if he had eaten from the tree of knowledge? "Uh, this woman YOU put here with me made me do it."  And what was the woman's response? "Uh, the serpent tricked me."  Everyone is finding someone else to blame.  Is it really any different today?

My father would always ask, "Is that a reason or an excuse?"  More often than not, it was an excuse....

What can we do to return to the God we love?  BSF International suggests the following steps in their lesson which I find worthy to share:

- Accept responsibility for sin.
- Respond to God's loving call with trust.
- Come into His Presence ("Come now, let us reason together' -Isaiah 1:18)
- Stop trying to cover your sin yourself, but take Christ's robe of righteousness.
- Experience conscious peace from guilt through knowing you are in Chrust and have peace with God (Romans 5:1)

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