Are you a good Tither?

No, I'm not asking if you give 10%. I'm asking about your attitude. Most people don't understand that tithing is about perspective, not fund raising. Isn't God the creator of all? If He wants a church to be successful can't He provide the means? Your financial contribution to a church has little bearing on that church's survival. So, let's regain some perspective.

Tithing is derived from the old testament Jewish law. There were three types of tithes: Annual Tithe, Annual Feast Tithe, and a poverty tithe (to take care of the poor). While these tithes were in place for the Jewish in the first century AD, there is no sign of any sort of tithe in the first century Christian church. In fact, there is no real 10% rule at all in the new testament. What we do find is that Jesus teaches us how to give and with what attitude we should give with.

Am I saying you shouldn't tithe? NO! not at all. I believe that this old Jewish tradition has a firm place in every Christian's life today. However, I believe it extends beyond your money but into your time and relationships as well.

A tithe is a reminder to us that what we have (money, time, relationships) aren't ours...they belong to God who has entrusted those resources to us. Our tithe is our way of holding ourselves accountable with God's resources...making sure we remember they are His, not ours.

So next time you tithe with your time, money or relationships don't base your contribution on some phony 10% rule. Give until you feel it (2 Cor 8:1-3). Give until it hurts a little. That way you will have that reminder that...hey, it's not yours anyway. If you do, you will understand God's true purpose in tithing.

If you want a good read that throws in some good history and perspective read this: Tithing: The 10% Rule and the Church by Dr. James Bollhagen

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